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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

3 useful tips for finding more jobs


Tired of passively waiting for new job offers to be posted? Do you want to speed up your search? 

You know that to increase your chances of getting a job that matches your expectations and your ambitions, you need to send more applications. 

But what can you do when it's dead calm and only a few ads that correspond to you are posted online?

How and where to find more job offers? 

You all know LinkedIn, Indeed, Apec, but there are also offers that are a bit special: those that are not published and that are called the hidden job market. It is estimated that about 1 out of 2 job offers is not published, so that's 50% of the job market that is not accessible to you if you don't know the hidden market. It's worth looking into, isn't it?

In this article, I will give you some tips on how to broaden and re-dynamize your job search and find those offers from the hidden market, i.e. offers that are not published on the internet and that are often the most interesting.  

What is the hidden market?

What you need to do when looking for a job is to always put yourself in the recruiter's shoes. Have you ever thought for a moment how complicated it could be for a company to recruit THE right person?

Recruiting someone is a gamble for the company, a gamble that costs a lot of time: time to think about the position, to write the ad, to receive all the CVs (sometimes hundreds!), to sort them, to interview them, to choose the right candidate, to write the contract, to train the new employee, etc. 

You understand that if the recruitment goes badly, it is a failure for the candidate of course but also for the company.

Why don't companies publish certain offers?

Companies want to accelerate and "de-risk" the recruitment process as much as possible. This is where the hidden market comes in. In order to recruit more quickly and minimize the risk of failure, there is nothing better than getting recommendations from candidates.  We know from experience that when candidates are recommended, the recruitment process and the job placement are better. 

Several solutions are available to companies:

They can go through recruitment firms or headhunters that they will brief and that will pre-select candidates, make them pass a first interview, to present only 5 or 6 to the company. This is an expensive process for companies, but it frees up their time and ensures that they have qualified candidates who are very close to the desired profile.

Another less expensive and even more efficient solution: ask your own employees for recommendations, which is called co-option. And it's much more common than you might think!

How to access the hidden job market?

So, the legitimate question you are asking yourself now I guess is: how do I find these job offers if they are not published?

It's obviously not that easy, but with some willpower and organization, you'll get access.  It is really worth it because you will be able to apply for interesting and qualified offers. And above all, you will be able to be recommended and therefore arrive at an interview with a positive opinion of yourself, which clearly increases your chances of getting a job. 

To begin your approach, there is one key word to remember: the network. You have to build it, feed it, expand it. It is essential today to remain professionally active. 

And there are 3 things to do first.

First: Activate your close network

You must contact the people you know well to inform them that you are looking for a job. This is the first step to take and it's pretty easy. You need to be able to have a 30 second pitch to clearly explain the position you are looking for otherwise no one will be able to help you effectively. To succeed in this trick, it is essential that you have a clear business plan. 

Second: Connect with people or companies that interest you

Then, you need to reach out to people you don't know or don't know well to expand your network and connect with companies that interest you. You can do this via Linkedin. In this case, the key to success is to never ask for a job or try to send your resume on Linkedin to someone you don't know or don't know well. It doesn't work! People who don't know you won't recommend you. Put yourself in their shoes: Are you going to recommend to your manager a person who has sent you their resume on Linkedin? How do you know that this person is competent, loyal, honest... Before being recommended, you have to start building relationships, gaining the trust of these professionals who don't know you yet. 

Third: Make yourself known to recruiting firms

As we have seen, companies do not publish certain offers and go directly to recruitment agencies, especially for positions of responsibility. It is therefore essential to contact these headhunters directly to make yourself known. With a clear CV and a well-written cover letter, it is quite possible to get yourself registered in their profile database and it is very interesting because they will think of you when an offer that corresponds to you comes up

Accessing the hidden market is a process that requires a personal investment but is very effective. 

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